In step with major carriers such as United and American Airlines, Delta steps up their hygiene and sanitation process aboard air crafts. The airline consults with experts from the CDC, involving leaders, and the air crew to provide the latest information for COVID-19. Delta touts experience from previous pandemics H1N1 & Ebola to ensure the health and safety of the employees and their passengers. Steps to support healthy flying. Delta has implemented, "6 ways Delta is supporting healthy Flying" 1. Cleaning, Cleaning and more Cleaning This is includes sanitizing cabins with electrostatic sprayers to sanitize aircraft interiors from top to bottom. The cleaning crews spray thoroughly tray tables, seat backs, screens, lavatories, windows, doors, and an high touch area. Gate areas, check-in kiosks, seats are cleaned several times during day. The staff is provided with more supplies in the process. Customers have access to sanitizers at ticket counters,...