United Airlines has deployed the "Clean Plus Program" in response for a healthier flight experience due to the COVID-19 crisis.
The United Clean Plus program is based on three points:
- Deliver industry cleanliness
- Prioritize well being
- Innovate for a healthier tomorrow
United Airlines is working with the Cleveland Clinics to enhance cleaning and disinfecting protocols.
A breakdown for each point is as follows:
Firstly, their approach to deliver industry cleanliness will include disinfecting high touch areas to include, arm rests, door handles, lavatories, seat backs screens, and seat belts.
Secondly, they prioritize the well being for the staff and the passengers. This includes providing hand sanitizers to the employees and other suppliers. Each passenger will receive a hand sanitizer wipe as they board the aircraft. The goal is to meet as well as exceed the guidelines according to the Center of Disease and Prevention Control (CDC).
United Airlines has stepped up their cleanliness practice to include electrostatic spraying for cabin sanitation on the aircraft at the hub stations. HEPA filters have been installed to prevent 99.9% of airborne particles. Self service kiosks have been temporarily shutdown. Passengers are advised to scan their boarding passes by downloading the United Airline apps to their phone. Sneeze guards have been implemented at key points such as the baggage area and check-in counters. Other details included all-in-one snack bags. Agents will handle fewer customers at a time. Passengers area advised to checking before arriving to the airport. Full or near full flights can be changed at no fee or receive a travel credit.
Employees will wear face coverings. The six feet social distancing applies
Lastly, Innovating for a healthier tomorrow. United Airlines is seeking to include touch-less kiosks. They seek tools to reduce touch-points. Drones are being to tested to deploy UV sanitation and hand held wands. Artificial Intelligence testing is underway to assist with temperature screening.
To learn more about United Clean Plus please visit the United Airlines website for more information.
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