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Showing posts from May, 2018

Visit Antigua and Barbuda - The beach is just the beginning...

Sparkling Hill Kur Spa-North Okanaga

Sparkling Hill Kur Spa-North Okanaga "Celebrating Whole Body Wellness" Located in our sister country Canada 888 Sparkling Place Vernon, BC B.H. 2K7 25 minutes from the Kelowna International Airport Sparkling Hill is a European inspired wellness resort elaborately designed with Swarovski Crystal Elements.  Andreas Altmayer from Austria was the chief Crystal Architect who placed and designed over 3.5 million crystals worth over $10 million dollars.   Guests Rooms feature crystal architecture to floor to ceiling windows with sliding window walls, effectively transforming rooms to an outdoor oasis.   The crowning jewel of the Sparkling Hill Resort is the Kur Spa renowned to be Canada's largest spa oasis spanning 10,000 square feet. Health and Wellness features an integrated medicine clinic specializing in whole body wellness, detoxification, anti-aging and health. The Kur Spa boasts 48 treatment rooms, 7 unique aromatherapy steam and s...

What to wear when traveling-Africa/Middle East

Sometimes just going across state is hard enough.  Living in the Bay area in San Francisco is generally is 10 degrees lower Versus living in Southern California where it generally sunny and warm all the time.  Figuring out what could possibly work in other parts of the world is half the battle.  Fitting in, trying to understand the customs is the half.   So here it goes, notes on what is acceptable in other parts of the world: Africa/ The Middle East The best bet is coverage.   Dubai Meetings -Wear suits, fashionable, black and slim ties On the streets - the mall is the social arena.  Women out of respect keep shoulders covered, carry a pashima for the more conservative areas.  There are women who will wear shorter skirts and shorts, but they are accustomed to wear this is accepted. Men  wear name brand items. Parties- glam is more accepted, blazers over t-shirts Egypt Meetings -Long Sleeved button downed with slack...