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Showing posts from September, 2016

Birthday Celebration

Today is my birthday.  On the first day of my life, I did nothing.  I peered around at the folks who brought me into this world, and went to sleep.  With the exception of nursing, a change of diapers, and most likely people cooing and making comments about my birth I simply slept all day. For the past eight years, it has been a practice of mine to sleep as long as I can on my birthday and do nothing.  If I get up, I will start to piddle around the house, vacuum, work on a file or something that does not celebrate life.  I love the birthday wishes, the gifts, and special moments I spend with friends and family.  Yesterday, one of my friends treated me to the Renaissance Faire here in the  Bay Area.  I have one rule, on my birthday, don't call me.  I am sleeping in.  This is how I celebrate my life, this is what I want to do today.