About a year ago, I did a presentation on why use a travel agent. The presentation was simple, created on a flipchart to save time and keep the audience engaged. It caused me to think as to why people used a travel agent or travel professional.There were six items that I felt could create the "Why": Price-getting the best deal versus value Time- allowing the busy professional to work on more important projects Service- To not only bring value to travel but to above and beyond expectations Peace of Mind- Creating itineraries through seamless suppliers to put our clients at ease Someone to talk to-Some clients really need someone to talk about their ideas Friend-Eventually all business relationships in travel the clients end up friends with the professional. Actually, the " Why" ended up being " Love". The six items above were all legitimate reasons. The "Why" clients go to a travel agent is because a good agent is receptive ....
There is so much more to travel than the booking details.